10 June, 2008


This is a story about one of my so called best friends. We will call him DB for DOUCHE-BAG.... DB and I have been friends for about 8 or 9 yeArs. Yes I admit I did date him for maybe 3 months, broke up with him went on with my life sort of. Well when I moved from another state to the state I live in now I was concerned for DB. I wrote him a letter wondering how he was, and said I loved him and was sorry for all the pain I caused him. He responsed and we have been friends ever since. Well come to find out DB isn't who I thought he was. I find out maybe 2 months ago that he "failed"to mention to me he's been married for 2 yeArs has a baby girl, and all this billshit. Don't get me wrong this guy I considered one of my best friends. I found out he was married on his Facebook. I confront him about it & tell him it broke my heArt that he didn't tell me he was married and had a baby. That I missed out on these amazing very important events going on in his life. DB goes to say, I'm sorry I never told you, the reason I didn't tell you is cuz I knew it would break your heart. WHATEVER! I call bull shit on that. I thought he was My friend. Seriously who the hell does that? Who is that ashamed of the person they marry, and the child they bare? Obvioulsly DB is. It makes Me sick that someone I care so much about has pretty much lied to me for 9 years! Obviously he has some major MENTAL problems and needs some help. I've seen his wife and daughter, and I must say they are so beautiful and seem like amazing people that they just need to take DB for everything he has...which isn't much I might add.... It just makes me sick that for me telling DB everything about me, no lies only the truth that he turns around and lies to the one person that thought he was truly amazing. Well I'm hear to say DB and I no longer speak becasuse he's lying, cheating son of a bitch that I hope KARMA is a bitch when it comes to bite you in the ass! You get what you deserve DOUCHE-BAG!

the boy named mike

So today I had to go to the ups store in Ogden, on Pennsylvania Ave. Well it took me about 2 hours to find because my friend told me it was east or Washington, well she was WRONG! I called the nearest ups store and asked for the store on Pennsylvania Ave. He told me it was west of 24th street. So I'm headed west on 24th..UM apparently I'm a complete idiot, took me forever to find it. Had the nice guy tell me to go west on 31st I would've found it. ANWAYS the point to my story is, as I find the ups store, pick up my HAZMAT package, and leave, I'm driving on 31st street, back to my store, and I'm stuck in traffic! I look over to my left and oh my god! There is this cute guy that I sort of know. His name is mike. He's in a band, and works for a lumber company up here. ANYHOW! I look over to him and realize who he is as soon as he's looking at me! I about SHIT my pants! I mean we haven't ever hung out I went to see him in concert a few months ago, and haven't seen him since. I mean this isn't the only time I've seen him in random places! When my sister ran in the Ogden marathon, my family and I went to eat at olive garden, and OF COURSE he was there with his family! I don't know if I should count this as fate or what! All I know he is damn cute! But like 3 years younger then me!! So that sucks! Pretty much I thought it was crazy that he was right next to me in traffic! CRAZY!!!!!!!

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me,and my crazy life!

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