12 March, 2009


I have no idea if I spelled that word right but... Oh well. So the story today, is I went to target with Tycee yesterday to buy a lamp and some garbages and cleaning supplies for my new apartment. Well the night before I'm putting my clothes away and realize at 11 at night I don't have a shower curtain! So I'm very annoyed go to bed, and work the next day run over to my mom's house for a second and Tycee was over there. So I ask her to go to target with me and she goes, "tan I just got back from there with grandma! And I was like I'll be really quick! I just gotta but a lamp and a few things. So she went with me. And we come back to my moms and I say well I'm going home I can't wait to put my shower curtain up! So Tycee says" fine tan, go have fun putting your shower curtain up! Ya doofus! I just laughed at her! And then thought....oh no! I've ACtually turned into my mom and my sisters being excited to hang up a shower curtain, or go clean!!!!!!!!! What has this world come too!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha just kidding. I just laughed at Tycee. She always says the funniest things and puts a smile on my face.

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me,and my crazy life!

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