27 January, 2009


Yesterday at my work us girls were finishing up the shipment. Well last week my DM called and said the guys that change all our lights are in town so look out for them and make sure they do their job. Well yesterday I get back from lunch and start working on the shipment, and we all decide to take a 5 min break, we go to the back and then somone comes in my store. We all yell " HELLO" and they are like hi! We're here to check your lights and clean the vents. So I didn't see these guys cuz I'm so short the shelves in my store block my view until I walk to the front of the store. ANYWAYS. I get up to the front of the store and look at these guys and I'm All oh my! The one with the the sunglasses looks so HOT! So I introduce myself by saying "hello I'm the store manager tania. Let me know if ya'll need anything? And the girls and I continue to work and the guys are talkin to us saying they went snow boarding yesterday and could barely drive up to powder mountain because they don't have 4 wheel drive. And that they were driving 5 mph. He said they had a lot of fun. And I was all yeah snow boarding is a lot of fun. But next time your in town you should go snowmobiling. Now that's a hell of a good time! Ha ha. So their just talking and bull shittin with us and I had to run to the back room. Well I come back up and they are getting ready to leave. Like getting in their car to leave! So I wave bye to them, and hurry and call my good friend chelsi' and tell her when they get to her store to ask the hot one for his number! Well by the time the hot boys get to her store im off work and I forget I asked her to get the one guys number. So I'm getting ready to go see my friend that just had a baby. And chelsi texts me and is like his name is Phillip and here is his #! So I got it and was like shut the shit up you really got it! That's awesome! How did you get it? And she's all one of my girls did it. They we're just asking about him and said the girls at the previous store need his number. And he's all well why? Is there something wrong? And the other girl at chelsi's store is like no actually the manager thinks your so hot! That's why she wants your number! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! When I heard that I was like oh man ....you guys are awesome! Thank you so much when I come up next week for inventory I'm bringing ya'll a surprise for doing that for me! I did Text Phillip, last night and he never replied..... Hopefully he will someday soon when he's not busy driving all over the united states changing light bulbs and doing maintenance for my work! Ha ha ha so that was the highlight for my week! I should've took a pic of him! But I didn't I'll just have to remember his good looks in my head! LOL!!!!!! I'd most def move to Florida for him! Ha ha ha just kidding. I told my friends we might be taking a road trip to Florida to track this Phillip guy down! Wish me luck!

20 January, 2009

* good things are instore*

Its almost 10 at night and I had to tivo the inauguration of Pres. Obama. It touched my heart I must say. I believe that with Pres. Obama the 44th Pres of the united states, good things will come. And its a chance for everyone to come together as one. I was reading a blog about someone who was at the inauguration, she flew in to D.C. Friday, road the train to union station, and it was so crowded with people that going up the escalator there was hundreds of people at the top. When your on An escalator, you can't just stop. She thought people would start to trample over people. But in the next moment everyone came together linked arms and helped each other out. Adults were looking out for children,so they didn't get trampled. military personal were directing traffic so people could get there safely. I think having Obama as our next Pres brings a new light to the world, to America. Atleast in my life he brings a sense of stability. I spoke to a friend of mine earlier today, and she felt the whole thing was a little racist. I myself do not think that. Its such a historic amazing event. Who ever thought we'd have a black president? I certainly did not. I was one of those people thinking we are not ready for a black president. But what changed my mind I was talking to tycee wondering what she thought about this whole thing. And she said its crazy, people shouldn't care what the president looks like or what color his skin is. I told her that is so true! And that maybe this will be the end of racisim. She of course didn't know what racisim was. So I explained to her its making fun or hating someone because they are different. And she replied well tan, everyone should know you should like people for who they are not what they look like! I had to laugh at this smart sweet amazing niece of mine! And the fact she had no clue what racisim was makes my heart smile! I just wanted to say all in all GOOD THINGS are certainly instore! And I can't wait to see them take effect.

19 January, 2009



12 January, 2009


I had a great conversation with my work friend Becca today, I started out telling her rascal flatts are coming to town because they are her FAVORITE! And she's going to come visit all of us girls at work, on friday and bring her adorable precious baby girl avery! I can't even wait to see them! It was good to chat with ya Becca via text message! ALSO!my friend aubree just found out she's pregnant! You all know her as the most amazing singer that sang at Talle's wedding. I'm very excited for her! So CONGRATULATIONS aubree!

07 January, 2009

complaining yet again.........

I know I have complained quite a bit about this but I'm gonna do it again! IT SUCKS BEING SINGLE! It really does! My friends Christina and karissa and myself all have the same view. We all think we're gonna be 50 by the time we find a guy worth our time or even long enough to go out on more then one date! I was talking to my friend amiee today and she will have been married a year in June. She's talking to me saying that she doesn't think I'm ready to get on the "married train" because its so hard. And I'm just thinking maybe that's true. But atleast I'd like to be on board the "boyfriend train"! Is that really too much to ask!????? I have a couple guys I'm talking to. But one of them lives far away and the other lives like an hour and a half from me. (and I think he likes my friend) so that doesn't put much hope in my life at the moment. And I gotta say I do have a lame new years resolution! To meet a great guy that I will keep around and to be a better person. I strongly believe that 2009 is the year for me to actually make the finding a good guy happen. Anyhow.... Tania is here to complain about the douche's that live in the state of Utah... Atleast in my neck of the woods! Ahh! The joys of Being single! Gotta love it! NOT!

04 January, 2009

new years and karissa's bday!

the first 2 pics are of karissa's bday at texas roadhouse! she barely turned 21 and we had a good time celebrating! this is emily and karissa our new years started off fun.. this pic is karissa's sister and brother in law myself and karissa. karissa and i enjoying our beer for some reason they had fake money on the tables.. i haven't figured out why yet this pic cracks me up! the guy standing next to me thought that he knew me. well i'm pretty sure he just wanted to hit on me. but whatev! the guy on the left next to karissa was nice! he was the guy at the door of the bar that checks id's.

so my new years ended at 11 pm! we were at the bar til about 10 and then i was all i want to go home! i'm not gonna be out with all the crazy's so i had them take me home and i went to bed! how lame is that! oh well! it was a good time! hope you all had a great new years !

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