these are my two nieces, Tycee marie, and Arian Shae, my most adorable nephew Tripp Lawrence lane.. these kids serioulsy are my world!!!!!!!!!!! the way i talk about them, you'd think they were my kids! i got all teary eyed, because tripp is 15 months, and just learned how to sip from a straw! i was like that is so amazing! he's so smart! he got it on his very first try! my mom and tia thought i was kinda a weirdo for tearin up over that! but i can't help it! he's so dang cute! and then tycee marie... she's another story! we were in my car one day, and she was hungry and wanted a kids meal from wendys. so i take her there, and on the radio, toby keith's hate me if you want to, love me if you can. came on, and i'm singing it to ty just cuz i always sing, and i turn to her right as the lyrics go : hate me if you want to, love me if you can!" and ty goes " tan, i can always love you!" what a sweet heart huh! and arian shae! man oh man.... she is the most athletic 11 year old i know! she plays competitive soccer in oklahoma, she is by far the best on her team! i keep telling troye to take video of her games, but that has yet to happen.. but arian is all girl, and such a huge tom boy as well! arian is just such a cutie! her being 11 really makes me feel old!!!!!!!!!! oh well... i just had to write a little bit about these cute kids!