31 July, 2008


I'm sad to say that chelsie and mark got voted off so you think you can dance... I'm so sad! Watching chelsie and herb crying her eyes out.. Man.... I cried my eyes out too! They were my favorite couple! I don't think I'll be able to watch the show anymore!!!! I'm so so so so so so so so SO so so so so SAD!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my my my.......

So GREAT NEWS!!!!!! I just barely noticed that gas went down 7 cents today! That is truly amazing in my eyes! Too bad I filled my SUV up yesterday at 4.15 a gallon..... Oh well. Just thought I'd let everyone know that has went down in my neck of the woods! Have a fabulous day. And by the way, VOTE for CHELSIE on So you think you can dance tonight on fox!!!!

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