04 September, 2008

just have to blog about her!

So I'm going to blog about karissa my bff. (that sounds so highschool) anyways. We've become really good friends over the last year or so. She is like 4 years younger then me but its so funny how we became friends. I dated this guy named Paul 2 years ago, and a lot of drama happened between Paul and I. Well like 1 week after this "drama" Paul was takin karissa out! I was like WTF! Really. I hate her! Really? Who does that! Dates some girl then after stupid drama starts dating another girl. I hated karissa so much for like 6 months. I'd give her dirty looks and just be a real bitch. And looking back now, I'm like really? We both dated the same guy and he was such a douche! We went out shopping tonight and to dinner, and we got talkin about Paul, and karissa was like tania no wonder you hated me! Everyone made it out to be that you all dated last summer! And I was like um...no. Not so much. We were dating when you started dating him! It was just terrible! But needless to say she is one of my best friends now. And we just laugh about what a douche Paul was, and. I Never told her about any of this until a few months ago! Anyways karissa is awesome! The post I wrote about her "maybe" getting married was just a joke! But she is awesome and I'm glad that I ended up being friends with her instead of hating her. It seems like we both have been dating the WRONG GUYS! But I'm still holding out for my love James....I have a pic of this hottie, but I lost it. When I find it, I'll def post it and tell you about what an amazing guy he is! Ha ha ha have a great night.

*vacation time*

I'm so excited for October!!! I'm going to san Fransico! With my family! My sister was supposed to run in the marathon there, but she hurt her knee or something so she's not going to run. But still it should still be a lot of fun! And we're all going to cancun in feb for a week staying in my parents condo! That should be really good times. Except it will be one sober trip to Mexico for me! Because I don't feel that its approriate to drink in front of my very religious parents. I'm sure I'll have to sneak away to the bar at the place we stay at. Or SOMETHING!! Anyhow what should we do in san fransico! I've never been there before. I would like to go to china town. But I don't know! What exciting things is there to do? Let me know PLEASE! Ha ha have a great day everyone!

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me,and my crazy life!

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