I got the saddest phone call from my best friend tonight. She was just sobbing, and sobbing because she is depressed. I had no idea. I'm so glad that she called me and told me. She just broke up with her boyfriend. Had to tell her other best friend they can't be friends anymore, and was just having such a terrible day! Then she goes on to tell me she's all alone, because she has no one, her best friend is in Provo, and she does everything for everyone and everyone just screws her over in the end. I told her ya know, that's how it is with me. No matter who you date, who your friends with someone will screw you over because we being the amazing people we are tend to care more then we should about people and always end up getting hurt. Its shitty but really what can you do? Its not in our personalities to screw people over, lie cheat and do whatever to be a horrible person. Its just not us. I said friend, don't let these people bring you down! Its their loss they screw you over and aren't in their lives anymore. Its part of being a genuinely nice caring person. Some people take advantage and some appreciate it. Just know that I miss you and you are my dearest friend, and I'm so lucky that I got over "hating" you years ago! And soon we'll go dancing or just chill!