08 November, 2008


So I've been dating matt for 2 months. Can I just say its been the longest 2 months of my life! Ha ha! I thought he was this "amazing" guy! Oh well boy was I WRONG! I was talkin to him on my way home from work, and he asked me who I was going to vote for. I said I was just going to put down my friends name cuz I didn't really know that much about obama and McCain. And I just said I'm more liberal then anything. And he full on starts calling me a free loader and all of that! I was all are you freakin kidding me! I have a full time job and I cut hair on the side. I pay my bills, I am not a free loade! So he says that he pays for everything. I was like damn straight you do! If your gonna date me you will pay to take me out. Your the guy so that's how it will be if you don't like it find another girl to date. Then after that arguement I got a invite to a baby shower. And I told him i've been looking forward to this cuz my friend got knocked up by this douche bag, and she needs lots of stuff. And he's all where is her husband? I said she has a boyfriend and he's a douche, so she needs lots of stuff. And he goes off about well I'm surprised you haven't had lots of one night stands and haven't gotten yourself prego! I was like 1st of all I AM NOT A SLUT! I do have some morals! Jesus. He really pissed me off so needless to say I haven't seen him at all this week, and he wanted to take me to lunch on Friday. Oh I called him and told him I was working in slc. I'm pretty much done with that Loser. I did meet this really cool guy on Halloween at my house party. He was really awesome. His name is Justin. Maybe somethin will happen with him. If not WHO CARES! I have another guy that's 36 that I'm supposed to go out with one of these days. So wish me luck on this stupid thing call dating! Ha ha ha ha.


Jessica said...

Tanni that sucks! Guys are stupid anyways. Just have fun and date a lot of them... That way you can do fun stuff all the time!

Anonymous said...

I think you should date chicks...they are way cooler

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