07 January, 2009

complaining yet again.........

I know I have complained quite a bit about this but I'm gonna do it again! IT SUCKS BEING SINGLE! It really does! My friends Christina and karissa and myself all have the same view. We all think we're gonna be 50 by the time we find a guy worth our time or even long enough to go out on more then one date! I was talking to my friend amiee today and she will have been married a year in June. She's talking to me saying that she doesn't think I'm ready to get on the "married train" because its so hard. And I'm just thinking maybe that's true. But atleast I'd like to be on board the "boyfriend train"! Is that really too much to ask!????? I have a couple guys I'm talking to. But one of them lives far away and the other lives like an hour and a half from me. (and I think he likes my friend) so that doesn't put much hope in my life at the moment. And I gotta say I do have a lame new years resolution! To meet a great guy that I will keep around and to be a better person. I strongly believe that 2009 is the year for me to actually make the finding a good guy happen. Anyhow.... Tania is here to complain about the douche's that live in the state of Utah... Atleast in my neck of the woods! Ahh! The joys of Being single! Gotta love it! NOT!


Denise H. said...

Oh Tanni! You will find the right guy. Look at me, I didn't find the right one until I was 28.

Where are you going to meet guys? Have you tried the internet thing? Have you read the book "Turn your cab light on"?

You need to go hang out with Jess and her friends they (well not Jess anymore now that she has a man) are always meeting cute guys.

Jessica said...

Tanni you are still so YOUNG... Just have fun and the right guy will come along when you least expect it!

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