11 February, 2009

2 of my favorite people!!!!!!!!!!

i thought this was so cute! i took this pic tonight of tripp and tycee eating popcorn and watching a movie! man i just love these2 little kids so much!!!!!!! and Tripp! he's so funny now! He repeats every word and action you do! i walked down to tia's tonight to get tripp so i could babysit him and tycee while she went to a baby shower. well i'm giving tripp a piggy back ride back to my mom's and i'm talking to him asking him to say" tanni, and mama, tycee, and papa" and he says all of those words clear as can be! i love having him say my name, because he actually says tanni, and not "nanni" tycee and tripp just crack me up so i thought i'd share this cute pic of them!


Denise H. said...

They are cute little kids and Tripp has gotten so big! I don't think I have seen him since Cherry Hill last year.

They are lucky to have such a great aunt.

Jessica said...

They are so cute!!! I'm sure they are loving it having you so close now.

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